happy heart day

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

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i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) -e. e. cummings

i love valentine's day. it makes me so happy and giddy and lovey dovey. like a dream. it makes me want to curl my hair and wear pink and red and smile at cute boys.

i love watching people get surprise bouquets. i really love watching men stand, somewhat cluelessly, in front of the flower selection at grocery stores. they look so precious holding up different flower stems and inspecting the petals. i just want to squeeze them.

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i love this day because, in my opinion, it's not just a day to celebrate romantic relationships but friendships as well. i l-o-v-e my friends. my life would be sad and colorless without them. i want them to know i am so very grateful for how they have touched my life. what better way to tell them than with chocolate?

i guess i can understand why some people are bitter about this holiday, but, at the same time, i don't. you SAD (single awareness day) people are annoying. get over yourselves.


whether you're in a relationship or not, i hope you enjoy this day!

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p.s. ben and jerry's is a legitimate date option.


  1. Happy Valentine's Day! Pretty pictures : ) I appreciate your (non-bitter) approach. There's a lot to celebrate, not just romantic relationships! (I know, I know, easy to say when you're married, but I had single years too!)



  2. you enjoy this day honey. your heart is in the right place, you delight in the delightful.

  3. I can relate to the enjoyment of watching guys in front of the flower booth. For several years, my best friend and I would sit at a starbucks in a safeway on or before Valentines Day just to talk and watch the guys picking out flowers and gifts :) It's the cutest (sometime's funniest!) thing.


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