pumpkin oatmeal

Sunday, November 20, 2011

{photo credit: me}

this pumpkin oatmeal recipe caught my eye as soon as i saw urban nester post it a while back. i'd been meaning to make it for breakfast, but i tend to be lazy in the mornings, and reaching for a spoon and a jar of peanut butter is just easier sometimes (all the time.) BUT, i like breakfast. i really do. so, on one of my recent days off, i pulled myself together and got to work.


1 cup quick cooking oats
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 egg whites (her recipe called for four, but i only had two eggs. also, ever heard of adding eggs to your oatmeal? me neither. it kind of freaked me out.)
honey to taste


cook oats on the stovetop until they are almost done. quickly stir in egg whites, canned pumpkin, and cinnamon. stir until well mixed. let the oats finish cooking. when oats are done, divide into bowls and top walnuts and honey.

{photo credit: me}

{photo credit: me}

if there was a contest between myself and pumpkin oatmeal for most photogenic in the morning, i think we all know who would win. let the fact that i don't have a picture of myself enjoying this oatmeal guide your answer.

{photo credit: me}

{photo credit: me}

the final result was yummy but the pumpkin flavor was very light and not very sweet. if i make it again, i think i'll either add more pumpkin or more sugar/honey. and maybe some raisins because raisins are just so very delicious.

power to the pumpkins.


  1. power to the unseen cute face behind the bowl of oatmeal. i,ve seen you in the morning, and yu r very very totes adorb. :)

  2. This looks yummy! I will have to try it minus walnuts plus raisins and more honey.... Happy Thanksgiving, Lacey!


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