happy first day of fall

Friday, September 23, 2011

{photo credit}
hello, fall. 
where have you been?
summer overstayed his welcome once again. 
(he is the worst. i think you would have to agree.) 
anyways, i just wanted to leave you a little love note 
and tell you that i think you are a dear.
you bring out the best in me. 
i'm not the sweaty, crabby girl that summer always turns me into.
nope. i become a giddy schoolgirl when you roll into town. 
you make me laugh nervously and say stupid things,
because i have a major crush on you. 
is it weird to have a crush on a season?
don't answer that. 
all my love, 

p.s. you know that thing you do with the leaves? 
when you turn them pretty colors? 
i really love that. 

1 comment:

  1. i totally agree(especially the part about you being a crab in summer!!!!) smile:)


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